An unfortunate side effect of a changing climate is an increase in wildfires. Over Labor Day the west coast erupted into flames, sending thousands of citizens fleeing and blanketing the region with thick smoke. The air quality in Portland Oregon and surrounding areas reached more than 500 ppb. 301 to 500 is hazardous to all living things. People with pre-existing conditions such as asthma or allergies are struggling the most, but everyone is being affected. There are things...
Genetics Aren’t Destiny When it Comes to Cancer
We have made great strides over the last few decades when it comes to identifying the genetic mutations associated with different cancers. Genetic counseling is now available to anyone with a family history of multiple cancer types, early onset of illness, a rare cancer type, or a generational pattern of one particular cancer. Most insurances will cover this test if individuals meet high-risk criteria, and many labs offer financial assistance to those with a demonstrated need (we work with seve...
Learning more about Covid -19
Everyday it seems we learn more and become more confused as to what the Covid-19 is. Apparently, it can attack any part of the body. Today a story of someone who had the gastrointestinal symptoms and then all of a sudden, a fever of 105 and oxygen levels dropping dangerously low to the point that intubation was required. Children with a rash and high fever. One common thread seems to be the inflammation of the blood vessels called vasculitis and blood clots. So, it would seem those that already...
A Case for Prevention
Cheeseburgers at a White House picnic in 2018. Alex Edelman/Getty Images
A recent article in the New York Times talks about the health care debate and how we should be doing prevention with a healthy diet to reduce health care spending. It makes a wonderful point: we have a great sick care system in the US but we need to focus on health care and prevention. I highly recommend reading this editorial - even if it's simply to better communicate why you choose to proactively manage your health...
The three-phased approach to complementary cancer care
My three-phased approach to a healthy garden (also a great way to understand complementary cancer care).
Phase 1 - Identify factors that allowed cancer to grow in the first place.
Cancer is a multifactorial disease. I see some common threads. I liken the body to a garden and cancer cells as weeds in the garden. We are all making some weeds every day; the question is, why is the garden letting the weeds take over to form tumors? At Journey to Wellness, we treat the multiple facto...
Your Health is your Choice
How long do we have to keep our heads in the sand about our lack of healthcare in this country? I confess right up front, I am a Naturopathic physician and although I try to work within the system, it is difficult to keep quiet with the most recent news that the new estimate on Medicare pharmaceutical benefits is now 720 billion for a 9-year period. Yes, billion, with a B, dollars. It was bad enough when it was 400 billion. Some of the most recent drugs approved to be paid for by this plan are...