What If?
What if we had medical care that was focused on keeping us well instead of managing our disease? What if every employer hired a full time Naturopathic Doctor to help keep their employees well and productive, at no cost to the employees?
We rank 15th out of 25 industrialized nations in health care according to the World Health Organization. This disturbing dichotomy exists, despite the fact that we spend more than any other nation for health care, because our medical system is focused...
Your Health is your Choice
How long do we have to keep our heads in the sand about our lack of healthcare in this country? I confess right up front, I am a Naturopathic physician and although I try to work within the system, it is difficult to keep quiet with the most recent news that the new estimate on Medicare pharmaceutical benefits is now 720 billion for a 9-year period. Yes, billion, with a B, dollars. It was bad enough when it was 400 billion. Some of the most recent drugs approved to be paid for by this plan are...