Everyday it seems we learn more and become more confused as to what the Covid-19 is. Apparently, it can attack any part of the body. Today a story of someone who had the gastrointestinal symptoms and then all of a sudden, a fever of 105 and oxygen levels dropping dangerously low to the point that intubation was required. Children with a rash and high fever. One common thread seems to be the inflammation of the blood vessels called vasculitis and blood clots. So, it would seem those that already have a lot of inflammation in their bodies would be more adversely affected by the virus. Certainly, that would explain those with obesity and diabetes with higher death rates.
If pre-existing inflammation is a common thread, then we need to address general inflammation in the body. These are also common things I see with my cancer patients.
The first and easiest thing to do is to eat an anti-inflammatory diet.
- Stay away from red meat – it is high in iron and iron is very inflammatory. Iron also feeds bacteria and cancer cells.
- Reduce your carbohydrates as they cause an increase in blood sugar which causes an increase in insulin. Insulin is one of the most inflammatory things to your blood vessels. If you carry weight in the middle you are insulin resistant and your insulin will increase to keep the blood sugar under control.
- Examples of carbohydrates that raise blood sugar quickly are:
- Grains
- Fruit (except for dark berries) – fructose is a sugar that raises blood sugar
- Dairy – the protein molecule in dairy looks very similar to gluten and raises blood sugar quickly.
- Even sugar substitutes raise insulin. As soon as you taste something sweet it sends a message to the brain that sugar is coming and your body will respond with insulin.
- Examples of carbohydrates that raise blood sugar quickly are:
Heal the gut
Another big contributor to inflammation in the body is irritable bowel or constipation. Both lead to an inflamed lining of the gut and “leaky gut” which in turn causes inflammation in the body. Most people with leaky gut have joint pain as the inflammation settles into the joint and deteriorates them, as well as allergies. Get your food allergies tested. Being on acid blockers also increases inflammation as it reduces your ability to digest. Please do not just go off your acid blockers, treat why you have acid reflux so you can wean off of them.
There are several anti-inflammatory herbs and supplements, but caution is advised here. Many are contraindicated if you are on certain medications.
As I tell my patients, inflammation is the cause of all disease. All of the above are common threads I see in most of my cancer patients. We get one body to experience our life. It is important to do what is necessary to keep it running well so we can maintain a good quality of life. If you do not maintain your car you can buy a new one, we do not have that option with the vehicle through which we experience our lives.
Please stay well.
Dr Cynthia Bye, ND. FABNO.