Heart Disease Prevention. A 100% Cure Rate

Let’s start with the boring and scary statistics; 71.3 million Americans currently have some form of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD). CVD has been the number one cause of death in the US for the past 100 years. There are several risk factors that contribute to these statistics that are well known by the conventional medical community. There are several others that I look at as well. As a Naturopathic Physician, I want to look at the cause as well as the symptoms. 1. Smoking Smokers are two to four...

The Benefits of Corporate Wellness Programs

What If? What if we had medical care that was focused on keeping us well instead of managing our disease? What if every employer hired a full time Naturopathic Doctor to help keep their employees well and productive, at no cost to the employees? We rank 15th out of 25 industrialized nations in health care according to the World Health Organization. This disturbing dichotomy exists, despite the fact that we spend more than any other nation for health care, because our medical system is focused...

Health Savings Accounts

I am not an expert in health care policy or insurance, but I have had several patients asking me about whether Naturopathic medicine was covered by the new Health Savings Accounts (HSA). At first I pleaded ignorance. However, given my mission of bringing Naturopathic medicine to as many people as possible, I decided to see if HSA’s would help to facilitate just that. The following is what I have learned about health savings plans. The health savings account (HSA) legislation was signed into la...

Your Health is your Choice

How long do we have to keep our heads in the sand about our lack of healthcare in this country? I confess right up front, I am a Naturopathic physician and although I try to work within the system, it is difficult to keep quiet with the most recent news that the new estimate on Medicare pharmaceutical benefits is now 720 billion for a 9-year period. Yes, billion, with a B, dollars. It was bad enough when it was 400 billion. Some of the most recent drugs approved to be paid for by this plan are...

Mamography in the News

Well there has been a lot of buzz about Mammography lately. It actually hit the NY times and the Journal of the American Medical Association (MD's Bible). For years I have been concerned about the inaccuracy of Mammograms, the exposure of radiation and the trauma to the tissue. Mammograms are notoriously inaccurate. There are stats, depending on who you read, that say that mammograms have a 65% -80% false positive rate...ie something shows up but when biopsied is normal. All that emotional and ...

Complementary vs Alternative Oncology

Many people are confused as to the difference between Complementary and Alternative oncology. What I do with my cancer patients is complementary. I work with them to complement their standard oncology care. Alternative is when a cancer patient does not work with the standard oncologist and only does alternative therapies. I did my residency at Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) working side by side with oncologist, radiologists and surgeons to help my patients in a complementary fashio...

Can’t get the Flu Shot?

There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the shortage of flu vaccinations this year. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) every year in the United States, on average: 5% to 20% of the population gets the flu; More than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu complications Approximately 36,000 people die from flu. Well that is enough to scare anyone. Let’s take a closer look at the flu. The flu or influenza is technically caused by the influenza virus. However there are ...

Cancer Prevention Foods

Health and healing exist within you, thus you have the power to greatly affect your health. Don’t succumb to the fear that is omnipresent around cancer, instead decide that you are going to be healthy and take the necessary steps to achieve health. Sprouts The bioavailability of the nutrients in sprouts is important. Bioavailability means how much your body can actually use. The sprouting process puts their fats and proteins into readily digestible forms, which compensate for the incomplete di...

Cancer Prevention has a 100% Cure Rate

When I was in Naturopathic medical school, we were taught to treat the whole person. Today’s standard of cancer care model does a good job of treating the cancer. Unfortunately this takes up most of the oncologist’s time and the rest of the person goes untreated. I completed a rotation at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Tulsa Oklahoma (CTCA). In this model we did both, we treated the cancer and the patient. Every patient saw an Oncologist, Nutritionist, Naturopathic Physician, Physic...

Wet Sock Treatment

The wet sock treatment is best if repeated for three nights in a row, or as instructed by your physician. Indications: Sore throat or any inflammation or infection of the throat, neck pain, ear infections, headaches, migraines, nasal congestion, upper respiratory infections, coughs, bronchitis, and sinus infections. Supplies: 1 pair white cotton socks 1 pair thick wool socks Towel Warm bath or warm foot bath Directions: 1. Take a pair of cotton socks and soak them completely with cold water....