Most people have heard of the microbiome. If we break the word down - micro meaning small, and bios meaning life = small life. In other words, it is the entire bacterial community in your body. Any part of your body that touches the outside world has beneficial bacteria in it. Eyes, ears nose, mouth, throat, lungs, intestinal tract and skin. As most know, probiotics help inoculate the microbiome with good bacteria which plays many roles in the body, one of which is in the function of the immune...
naturopathic breast cancer
Is Your Diet Improving Your Health? Or is it Increasing Your Risk of Breast Cancer?
New research from the European Perspective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study has determined a link between pro-inflammatory diets and the development of breast cancer. This study followed over 300,000 women for 14 years, of which about 13,000 developed breast cancer. Most studies prior to this have only looked at single nutrients or foods. Assessing the whole diet rather than just single nutrients or foods allowed the researchers in the study to make more accurate health conc...
Mamography in the News
Well there has been a lot of buzz about Mammography lately. It actually hit the NY times and the Journal of the American Medical Association (MD's Bible).
For years I have been concerned about the inaccuracy of Mammograms, the exposure of radiation and the trauma to the tissue. Mammograms are notoriously inaccurate. There are stats, depending on who you read, that say that mammograms have a 65% -80% false positive something shows up but when biopsied is normal. All that emotional and ...