Cancer Prevention Foods

Health and healing exist within you, thus you have the power to greatly affect your health. Don’t succumb to the fear that is omnipresent around cancer, instead decide that you are going to be healthy and take the necessary steps to achieve health.

The bioavailability of the nutrients in sprouts is important. Bioavailability means how much your body can actually use. The sprouting process puts their fats and proteins into readily digestible forms, which compensate for the incomplete digestion characteristic of degenerative diseases including cancer. Sprouts are rich in nitrilosides, substances that break down in the body into chemicals (benzaldehydes) that selectively destroy only cancer cells. Examples of sprouts that may be used include mung, alfalfa, aduki, and other bean sprouts; all grain sprouts, cabbage, and clover; young buckwheat and sunflower greens are also beneficial. Garbanzos and other large sprouts are best cooked.

Legumes have high protein content and do not digest easily, so they should be taken in small amounts. The most easily digested legumes – mung and aduki beans (and their sprouts) may be eaten regularly. Except as a sprout, soy is not recommended in cancer because of its extremely high protein and growth promoting properties.

Algae have been valuable remedies for the treatment of cancer. Kelp and other seaweeds are used to soften and reduce hardened masses in the body. They contain the range of minerals, including trace minerals, often deficient in people with cancer. Seaweeds are also concentrated sources of iodine that speeds thyroid activity and oxidation of cells. Seaweeds are high in sodium and should be taken in regular but small amounts. Seaweeds should not be used if loose or watery stools are present.

Wheat and Barley Grass
Wheat and barley grass concentrates have exceptional detoxification value in cancer. In cancer, healing crises are reduced and detoxification goes more smoothly when either of these products is taken. Their chlorophyll helps oxygenate tissues and promotes healthy intestinal bacteria; they are also rich in the antioxidant enzyme SOD (superoxide dismutase), one of the best defenses against the free radical pathology of degenerative diseases. These grasses are cooling and cleansing, so they must be used cautiously by those with loose stools.

Some micro-algae have very favorable nutritional profiles for cancer and immune therapies. Spirulina, chlorella, and wild blue-green (Aphanizomenon fios¬aquae) provide cellular protection with exceptional amounts of beta carotene (provitamin A) and chlorophyll; dunaliella is the highest known natural source of beta carotene. Chlorella, the alga to emphasize in those with the greatest deficiency, stimulates immunity in the treatment of all degenerative diseases by means of the “Chlorella Growth Factor” (CGF). Spirulina is rich in a pigment with anti-cancer properties. Spirulina is also the highest plant source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), a fatty acid that strengthens immunity and inhibits excessive cell division. Wild blue-green is slightly bitter, while dunaliella is very bitter; bitterness makes them good for drying moisture from tissues that support viral, bacterial, and fungal growths. Either of these bitter micro-algae often works well with chlorella or spirulina.

Vegetables in general are helpful in the treatment of cancer. They are low in fat and protein, yet abundant in minerals, vitamins, and other vital nutrients. One of the vegetables used most often in cancer treatment is the carrot. Quality carrots are very rich in the antioxidant beta-carotene, have an essential oil that kills parasites and unhealthy intestinal bacteria and, according to the Chinese, have the property of reducing accumulations (such as tumors).

    Carrots also make a good foundation juice; they are often juiced together with smaller amounts of other vegetables such as parsley, celery, beets, cabbage, bell pepper, collard, beet and turnip greens, romaine lettuce, sprouts, radishes, garlic, and others. All juices must be consumed fresh, within three hours of pressing, in order to maximize their oxidizing enzymes. Juices that are stored for two or three hours need to be kept in a refrigerated, closed container: they should be allowed to warm to room temperature before drinking. Make sure to add ground flax to all juices to help slow the absorption and effect on blood sugar.

    Carrot and other juices may not have sufficient oxidizing enzymes to be effective if they are juiced in centrifuge-type juicers or liquifiers. The quickly rotating metal parts of the most common high-speed electric juicers whip air through the juice and also build a static charge that degrades the juice value. Electric juicers that grind the food by means of a rotating non-metallic shaft are acceptable. However, the best are hand juicers and presses.

    Mushrooms are often rich in germanium, an element that oxygenates. The Chinese ling zhi (Ganoderma lucidum: “reishi” in Japan) and the Japanese shiitake (Lentinus edodes) and maitake (Grifola frondosa) are the mushrooms used most often in the treatment of cancer. These traditional applications of mushrooms are due to the fact that the polysaccharides of the mushrooms exhibit anti-tumor potential. Mushrooms in general neutralize toxic residues in the body from meat eating.

    Beets, both roots and tops, have the property of cleansing the liver and the blood, and are often prescribed in cases of cancer. Since beets lubricate the intestines, they are recommended for the constipation that often accompanies cancer.

    Onions and garlic are rich sources of the potent anti-cancer bioflavonoid quercetin. One onion daily inhibits malignant cell growth, and cooking does not destroy the effectiveness of quercetin. Garlic also contains large quantities of antiviral, antibiotic, and antifungal/anti-yeast compounds such as allicin. Garlic compounds also appear to be effective against leukemia. However, because of its extreme pungency, garlic can damage the stomach and liver if too much is consumed.

    For maximum benefit from all of its properties, garlic should be eaten raw. Most people tolerate its burning pungency best by taking it with food at meals. One-half clove, twice daily, is effective and a safe dosage for extended use. To reduce the odor, chew a few fennel seeds and take chlorophyll foods such as wheat grass or parsley afterwards. People who cannot bear raw garlic can still receive some benefit from soups and teas containing lightly cooked garlic. Aged and fermented garlic products as well as high-quality garlic powders, liquids, and capsules are often not as effective as the fresh clove. Garlic is an exceptional source of germanium.

    Radishes, both common and daikon, cleanse the thick toxic mucus residues of animal products that feed tumors and cancers.

    Asparagus has been used in treating cancer. It is detoxifying and a valuable diuretic for removing cellular edema as well as increasing blood circulation. It contains an abundance of the antioxidant vitamin E; two ounces daily is an effective dosage.

    Each vegetable of the nightshade family is useful in different respects. Potato is high in potassium content. In general, the potato is useful for balancing red-meat consumption and is thought to draw out toxins associated with meat eating. The skin of the potato is reputed to contain an acidophilus culture beneficial in the renewal of intestinal flora. Caution is advised with potatoes from the stand point that they are a simple carbohydrate and can raise blood sugar rapidly. Keeping blood sugar under control is important in prevention of many diseases.

    Tomatoes are very cooling and rich in vitamin C. Tomatoes are detoxifying and resolve food stagnation resulting from low stomach-acid secretion. Tomatoes are also rich in lycopene

    Eggplant treats stagnant-blood conditions of the uterus such as uterine tumors.

    Bell peppers improve the appetite and resolve stagnant food in cancer cases where digestion is very poor; they also reduce swellings, promote circulation, and are rich in vitamin C.

    These last three nightshades – tomato, eggplant, and bell pepper – are too cooling and weakening for those with loose stools.

    Brassica-genus vegetables -cabbage, turnip, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts – have been recommended in general by the National Cancer Institute for cancer prevention. These contain, a group of compounds which have anti-cancer, antioxidant properties; and substances which protect against breast and colon cancer; and sulphur, which has antibiotic and antiviral characteristics.

    The very sweet vegetables such as yams and sweet potatoes must be avoided when candida (yeast) symptoms are severe.

Fruit is even more cleansing than vegetables, but at the same time can promote high blood sugar, yeast infections and weaken the digestive energy. Fruit and fruit juices have traditionally been recommended in large amounts for cancer and other degenerative diseases. In cases of frailty, weakness, and weak digestion with loose stools, fruit especially the juices, should be eaten sparingly, if at all. Especially recommend fruit: Apples, mulberries, papaya, cranberry, pomegranate, persimmon, cherry, fig (dried), grape, and mango. Remember to add ground flax to the juice to slow down absorption.

Grains in their whole state are generally beneficial in the treatment of cancer. Whole grains are an important source of vegetable lignins (found in flax seed), with anti-tumor and antioxidant properties. The rich fiber in grains when digested by the colon bacteria produce substances which inhibit candida yeast growth. Butyrate in particular has been shown to suppress the growth of cancer in the colon of humans and cancer in general in animals. Grains must be thoroughly chewed to activate their healing properties.

    One beneficial action of oats is their calming property, which helps relax the patient; the high fiber content of oats cleanses the arteries and other areas of the body of mucoid deposits; they also strengthen and regulate energy, which is often stagnant in cancer. During the early phases of detoxification, oat water or thin oat porridge, because of its mucilaginous properties, can soothe an inflamed and overly sensitive digestive tract. After oats, rye is considered one of the most beneficial grains in cancer therapy because of its bitter principle and its ability to balance body fluids.

    Wheat is generally not emphasized in the treatment of cancer because it often causes allergic reactions and also promotes tissue growth. Nevertheless, its ability to nourish the heart and calm the spirit recommends it to those who are unsettled, restless, and insomniac. It also treats night sweats and other forms of sweating often found in cancer patients. In these conditions, even if wheat allergy exists, one may benefit from its hypoallergenic forms: fresh wheat germ, presoaked, cooked kamut or spelt berries, cooked wheat sprouts, and “Essene” sprouted-wheat bread.

    Corn has diuretic properties that relieve water stagnation; Ayurvedic medicine suggests corn stimulates metabolism and oxidation.

    Millet and roasted buckwheat groats (kasha) are the only alkaline-forming grains. Since carcinogenic and degenerative diseases frequently arise from the over-consumption of acid-forming foods, these two grains are particularly recommended. Both are also rich sources of fiber and silica, which detoxify the intestines and form butyrate which protects the colon from cancer.

    Brown rice tonifies the body and mind, and is beneficial for those with loose stools, weakness, pallor, and mental depression.

    Barley is sometimes used in Chinese medicine for reducing tumors. In general it strengthens digestion and treats diarrhea; however, it is not good in cases of constipation. Barley goes well in soups.

    Amaranth, a grain-like seed, is quite bitter and one of the best “grains” for eliminating excesses associated with degenerative diseases.

    Quinoa, a related seed, is rich in fat and protein content, and can be used moderately.

Degenerative diseases have a tendency to re-establish themselves whenever there is renewed stress from poor diet or lifestyle extremes.

Health and healing exist within you, thus you have the power to greatly affect your health. Don’t succumb to the fear that is omnipresent around cancer, instead decide that you are going to be healthy and take the necessary steps to achieve health.

About the author: Dr. Bye has special training in cancer prevention, co-management of cancer patients with chemotherapy specific, radiation specific and cancer specific therapies. She works with cancer patients to reduce the side effects of their therapy, increase the effectiveness of chemo. and radiation, and improve the function of the body to help you fight this dreaded disease. Dr. Bye also works with cancer survivors to help them to prevent recurrences.