The Link Between an Untreated Infection and Brain Cancer

I recently came across 2 prospective studies suggesting a link between a common parasite and the development of a malignant brain tumor (gliomas). These studies examined the association between antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii and the risk of glioma development. The results of these studies suggest an increased risk of developing a glioma with this parasitic infection, especially in individuals who showed higher levels of antibodies in gliomas. Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most common para...

Muscle Mass, Body Fat and Breast Cancer Survival

Thoughts on a recent observational study performed by Kaiser Permanente and Dana Farber on Breast Cancer Survival. According to the results published in JAMA Oncology on April 5th 2018, muscle characteristics appear to be "important predictors of survival" for those who have breast cancer. Patients who had sarcopenia (diminished muscle mass) were 41 percent less likely to have survived than those who did not. Patients with the highest amount of adipose tissue (i.e. body fat) were also lin...